Are you one of the 20 per cent of DFY-ers?

Four-fifths of British homeowners are prepared to have a crack at basic DIY – but the remaining fifth would far rather it was DFY (Done For You) by calling in a tradesman or woman, according to an insurance company.

Swinton Insurance has asked 1,200 of its online customers about their DIY habits. It learned that, while the majority of home owners carried out DIY themselves to save money at least 20% would rather pay to avoid problems.

We say: take the positives. It’s great news that so many people are prepared to have a go. And there’s a growing trend towards classes and courses for those who are not.

The company says that, in the face of a recession that makes saving cash an essential for many, people doing DIY around the home should ensure they have the proper skills required to do the job correctly as a DIY disaster can result in an unnecessary home insurance claim.

It adds that 30 per cent of those surveyed admitted to injuring themselves doing DIY and more than half owned up to using improvised tools for DIY jobs around the house including toothbrushes, knives and – we love this bit – shoes. If anyone can work out what for, let us know…

Steve Chelton, Insurance Development Manager at Swinton, said: “DIY is as popular as ever but we urge homeowners to take care when carrying out tasks and use the correct tools. If possible use a qualified tradesman to carry out the work to avoid any unnecessary home insurance claims.”